Manufacturing – Integration Being the main supplier of the Greek PTT (OTE), the company designs and manufactures customized Optical Fiber Distribution Frames, as well as various types of pigtails and patch cords. LINK S.A. one of the few companies having such a production line in Greece today, holding big percent of the Greek market and expanding the activities abroad (through key customers, as well as directly exporting abroad). Regarding the outdoor housing solutions provided by the company, strategic alliances have been established with well known cabinets’ and shelters’ manufacturers along with power supplies’ manufacturers. The company combines and integrates the most appropriate equipment from different manufacturers, aiming to form a total solution fitting customers’ special needs. Our long experience of the behavior of such outdoor infrastructure under the Greek environmental conditions, guarantees the optimum choose of the system components. LINK S.A. is capable to provide the customers with all types of materials used for network construction, as well as instruments for testing and measurements. The range of products could cover the needs of various types of customers, such as Telecommunications Organizations, Installers, Telecommunications Companies, Integrators, even University Laboratories and Cable manufacturers. Furthermore, LINK S.A. promotes Cable Management Software Systems, for use in LAN/WAN or any other cabling system, as well as Remote Fiber Test Systems for optical fiber cable networks, troubleshooting and performance analysis. Indicatively, companies that we represent and collaborate are: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e