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    Amfissa Optical Fiber Metropolitan Network

    Link S.A. has completed the Amfissa metropolitan optical fiber network of 9 km in total length, in cooperation with HELLASCOM INTERNATIONAL of the OTE group. The project includes the construction of the optical fiber network, cabins layout, the interconnection of the end users and the activation of the wireless WiFi links as well as the installation and the initial set up of the metropolitan Ethernet equipment.



    Corfu Optical Fiber Metropolitan Network

    Link S.A. has completed the Corfu metropolitan optical fiber network of 12 km in total length. The project includes the construction of the optical fiber network, cabins layout, the interconnection of the end users as well as the installation and the initial set up of the metropolitan Ethernet equipment.



    Nafplio Optical Fiber Metropolitan Network

    Link S.A. has completed the Nafplio metropolitan optical fiber network of 5 km in total length. The project includes the construction of the optical fiber network, cabins layout, the interconnection of the end users as well as the installation and the initial set up of the metropolitan Ethernet equipment.


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